Calm Preschool Environment: Create With 5 Exclusive Ways

by | Jul 18, 2022 | Kindergarten Design

Preschoolers have different characteristics. With a whole bunch of children in your classroom, and most of them can be very active, you may struggle to deal with all these energetic preschoolers. It is important that you can create a calm preschool environment for them.

Children will be harder to manage in a noisy or distracting environment, and they won’t be able to learn well. A calm preschool environment can create a better foundation for preschoolers to learn academic and social skills. Your teachers can control the situation better through the layout with different activities to ensure a serene classroom.

Creating a calm preschool environment can establish a tranquil atmosphere and get your preschoolers to concentrate more and embrace the routines. You won’t need to feel too overwhelmed with all these energetic preschoolers. So what exactly do you need to do to create a calm preschool environment? This can be tricky, but you can read on to find some ways to create one.


Calm Preschool Environment #1: Classroom Design Layout


Calm Preschool EnvironmentImage Credit: Canva


When designing your classroom layout, create it with a minimalist attitude. Lighting can have a great impact on children. Most overhead lighting is too bright for their needs. It can be an eye-opening and stimulating situation for them. Try to maximize the natural light you can create for your classroom and put up the necessary lights or lamps for your activities.

Bright colors tend to excite children. Avoid hanging up too many brightly colored decorations or putting too many things on the wall. It can be distracting for them. You can use cooler colors to paint your walls instead of a bright white surface. Add some softer paintings to provide color without being overpowering. If you are putting up educational posters, put them at a height where the children can see them. You can get a few and rotate them throughout the year.

Growing plants in your classroom can improve the classroom environment and balance the humidity levels. Besides that, having live plants can teach your preschoolers to care about the plants. You can also set up a resting area in the classroom for them to stay away from the hustle when they need it.


Calm Preschool Environment #2: Atmosphere


Calm Preschool EnvironmentImage Credit: Canva


You can add some atmosphere to the classroom by playing soft music in the background. Different types of music can have different impacts on children, and the impact can vary daily. Some children work well with classical music, while others may feel overstimulated. Nature sounds and New Age music can help to keep children calm. You wouldn’t want to put classic kids’ songs as it can make them more active unless you plan to do some active activities for them. Try out different music to see which works well with the group.

You may also try adding calming scents to the classroom if it suits the children. Lavender is a calming scent; you can use it in sprays or diffusers. You can make your spray by adding a few drops of essential oil to water and spraying in the classroom before the children arrive. You can also put it into a diffuser for calming and cleansing purposes.




Calm Preschool Environment #3: Calming Behaviors


Calm Preschool EnvironmentImage Credit: Canva


Teachers should also model calm behavior when they are in the classroom. Try using a quiet voice when talking to the children. When you are talking to them one-on-one, get down to their level. Walk over to the child you want to talk to instead of calling them across the room.

Let the children have an opportunity to self-soothe. Prepare a rug where they can lie down or practice deep breathing. You can let them carry a bell on a taped line without making a sound to let them increase their inner focus or let them challenge themselves to balance things on a spoon as they walk across the room.

Try out the “Silence Game” with them to let them learn the concept of silence. Let them sit in a circle and silence their bodies part by part. You can initially start with 30 seconds and slowly build up the time length of them sitting in silence. A calm preschool environment helps them to get engaged in their activities, and they can focus more on their work.


Calm Preschool Environment #4: Embrace Routines


Calm Preschool EnvironmentImage Credit: Canva


Create a routine so that the children can proceed through their daily schedule. Let the children understand the importance of the routine, and teach them the sequence in the routine before letting them participate in it. Preparing them in advance allows them to engage better in the activity as they know what is coming next.

You can give them a clear forewarning using words or tactile cues. You can ring a small bell to get the children’s attention to let them stop and listen to you. A simple instruction such as we have another five more minutes before we stop can prepare them that the activity is ending soon.

You can also try using visual aids, such as puppets, to help the children to understand certain concepts. Try using puppets that are related to the theme of the activity or the topic that you want to talk about to reinforce learning. For example, you can use two puppets discussing why washing hands is important before they start eating or letting the children know what behavior should be avoided.


Calm Preschool Environment #5: Balance Your Schedule Between Active And Quiet Activities


Calm Preschool EnvironmentImage Credit: Canva


Preschoolers’ energy can be a never-ending supply. It can be hard for them to sit for long hours. You can bring them to your outdoor playground to play for some time and return to the classroom for some lessons. It can help them with a more focused time.

It is important to balance quiet and active time as the children need to release their energy while still having the time to have some proper lessons. Even if you are not planning to let them go outdoor, you can stop what you are doing for a while. Turn on some music and let them dance according to the music. They can be more focused after they have released their energy, even only for a few minutes.

Creating a calm preschool environment can enhance the learning ability of your preschoolers. You wouldn’t know how big the impact it can create on the children. Let them develop their basic skill in a calm preschool environment.




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