The 8 Powerful Kindergarten Classroom Management Tips

by | Jan 20, 2022 | Kindergarten Design

As a kindergarten teacher, there are many things to consider when teaching young children to learn in the kindergarten classroom. One of the most important is to create a practical classroom that will be well managed to concentrate on their lessons and improve their learning skills. The kindergarten teacher also needs to constantly guide and encourage the students during the class and convey information that the children can understand to achieve effective teaching and arouse their interest in learning.


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So how should a kindergarten classroom be managed? Are there any tips to help manage a kindergarten classroom? We hope the following information on kindergarten classroom management will help you.


8 Powerful Kindergarten Classroom Management Tips:


Kindergarten Classroom



1. Build A Good Relationship With Children


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Kindergarten teachers should be friendly with children to feel that the teacher is easier to talk to. It also encourages children to talk and ask more questions in class, which reduces children’s stress and psychological burden.

In particular, teachers can spend more time outside of class to talk with children to understand their thoughts and to know their learning needs. Although this may take some time, building a relationship with children will have many benefits in the long run, and children will be more willing to comply with the teacher’s requests and more likely to understand if the teacher makes a mistake.


2. Using Simple Language In The Kindergarten Classroom


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Young children have short attention spans, and their expressive language skills are not yet fully developed. Therefore, they have more difficulty understanding longer or complex statements. If a sentence has more than eight words, children will quickly forget what the teacher said earlier.

Therefore, teachers should try to use concise and straightforward language that meets the mental developmental level of young children in-class lessons to receive the messages shared by the teacher. Teachers can break a long sentence into shorter sentences to express it and use more familiar language for children to understand it more easily.




3. Protecting Children’s Self-Esteem


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When a child does something wrong, or there is a difference of opinion between the teacher and the child, the teacher should communicate with the child in private and avoid confronting the child publicly in the kindergarten classroom or criticizing the child who made a mistake in front of other students.

When children correct their errors, teachers should also give appropriate encouragement and not deny them because of their mistakes to lower their self-confidence. In addition, teachers should not overreact when children misbehave. Teachers must learn to control their behaviour, never yell at children, and choose to communicate well, no matter in the kindergarte classroom or anywhere with children.



4. Inform Children Directly About The Discipline That Must Be Followed In Kindergarten Classroom


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Instead of leaving children to guess what they can and cannot do, they should be reminded in advance of the rules and regulations they must follow to prevent them from doing anything wrong. At the same time, children can all monitor each other, and the teacher has a helping hand. Children will also pay more attention to what the teacher specifically mentions and will not intentionally make mistakes, which will reduce the chance of students breaking discipline.

Suppose there are always children in the class who like to breach disciplinary together. In that case, the teacher can also solve the discipline problem by adjusting the seats and separating the violators without making the violators feel embarrassed.





5. The Importance Of Making Eye Contact With Children


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In order for children to pay attention to the lesson and not to get distracted when the teacher is not looking at them, teachers should maintain eye contact with children to make sure that they can keep their eyes on the class. Teachers can remind children to pay attention to the lesson through eye contact. Therefore, kindergarten teachers should avoid turning their backs on children during class, and it is best to walk around the classroom while teaching to know exactly what is going on during the class.



6. Prepare Fun Learning Activities And Homework For Children


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Children like interesting activities, and just telling them to do homework can make them feel bored with learning. Therefore, teachers should prepare activities and assignments from time to time that will interest children, such as group discussions, crafts, completing a painting with parents, etc., to increase children’s interest in learning.

Teachers should also teach children in a lively and impressive way. They can prepare teaching materials such as PowerPoint templates with amusing pictures and videos to attract children’s attention so that children can be more active in class and stimulate their curiosity and desire to learn.



7. Asking For Help When Encountering Problems


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Experienced kindergarten teachers will inevitably encounter problems when teaching the children. If some problems are complicated, teachers should actively seek the advice of others by consulting with principals, advisors, and experienced teachers who may have encountered the same problems before. Seeking different perspectives and guidance allows kindergarten teachers to learn from the experiences of others so that problems can be solved more quickly and children can learn and grow in a better environment.




8. The Key Is To Implement The Rules


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The teacher needs to maintain order in the classroom and make sure that children do not break the rules, but there is no need to discipline children severely, and too many rules can make it difficult for children to follow. The teacher can ensure children understand the rules by posting them in a visible classroom area and reminding them of the rules they must follow.



Kindergarten teachers play an essential role in managing the classroom. For young children, the classroom needs to be guided and led by the teacher to do well in class. If they can use the recommended classroom management methods above, it will undoubtedly help young children learn and grow in many ways.

It may take some practice to master these classroom management techniques in the long run. Still, with continued practice, kindergarten teachers will eventually master a set of classroom management styles that are appropriate for their classrooms.


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