Preschool Classroom That Sparks Creativity In 7 Simple Ways

by | Jan 2, 2023 | preschool renovation

Children are white paper and can be creative because their imagination is not restricted. Learning to be creative and develop this essential skill should start at a young age. So you should create a perfect environment can sparks creativity. But creativity is not about just paints and pencils. It is a way of thinking for people who envision a future in STEM.

The music center, dramatic play center, and art center are the three learning centers that commonly spark children’s creativity. A well-designed, stimulating and welcoming environment with a mixture of familiar materials can encourage the children’s sense of security and their engagement in high-quality play.

Creating a preschool classroom that sparks creativity should also include a yes environment that can promote exploration. When you are going to stop a particular behavior, ask yourself why you are stopping the behavior. Saying yes often can increase the possibility of empowering children to make positive choices and have more control in their daily lives. It can limit teacher intrusion and promotes independence and self-esteem.


Why Is It Important To Establish A Classroom That Sparks Creativity?


Video Credit: Storypark


When children learn to be creative, they have greater long-term success in many areas. They will become more skilled in creating and executing original ideas. According to research by Gallup, children who go to an environment with a higher emphasis on creativity and transformative technology can also be successful at solving problems, retaining information, taking standardized tests, thinking critically, exhibiting deeper comprehension, and making connections across subjects.

Having activities that spark creativity allows children to sustain focus and overall satisfaction in learning. Having music-related activities is one of the ways to spark creativity and excitement. It also plays an important role in a team-building exercise.

You may not find any impressive-looking “results” in-class creativity, but it can be a valuable skill for children to build. An environment that makes children stronger learners, problem solvers, critical thinkers, and innovators help them succeed beyond the classroom.


Preschool Classroom That Sparks Creativity #1 – Choose A Flexible Layout


Sparks Creativity


There are many ways for children to learn in a learning environment, such as a group project or solo assessment, listening to a presentation, learning through activities, and more. When creating a preschool classroom that sparks creativity, you will want to collaborate on learning layouts to keep the creativity flowing between activities.

The traditional classroom will be lined up with desks which keeps the layout fixed. So why not create pods, separate group tables, or a U-shaped layout to let children work together? You can do some experiments and change it to see which layout suits your preschool the most. Make sure your classroom can accommodate your teaching style and a range of activities.


Preschool Classroom That Sparks Creativity #2 – Create A Classroom Library


Sparks Creativity

Image Credit: Makchic


Getting knowledge from books is part of the learning process. You can encourage children to read by allowing them to access interesting books easily. Ensure that the books in your preschool library are appropriate to the children’s level.

Different children like different genres. Consider adding a creative and collaborative element by having your class create a recommendation for them to read. You can also consider organizing and categorizing your preschool classroom library.


Preschool Classroom That Sparks Creativity #3 – Support Hands-on Learning


Sparks Creativity


It is important that your classroom support hands-on learning. It provides the children with a place to express new ideas, voice their opinions, think critically, and engage them on a deeper level. Hands-on learning helps children to understand more clearly. The trick of hands-on learning is letting the children dive into the real thing first before introducing the theory.

For example, for a math lesson, use physical things and teach them to count. If you want children to learn about speed and velocity, build paper airplanes and use “flight” information to estimate it. Also, consider having a garden and letting them know more about vegetables.




Preschool Classroom That Sparks Creativity #4 – Explore Different Cultures


Sparks Creativity


When creating a classroom that sparks creativity, developing children’s ability to consider multiple perspectives is important. We are born in a multi-racist world with different cultures, consider celebrating cultural differences as the children learn from them.

Allow children to bring their own cultural context into tasks and discussions. Introduce the festive that will be celebrated globally, and let the children recognize the festival and its origins. You can also host a family heritage day at school and assign interesting books that explore the practices.


Preschool Classroom That Sparks Creativity #5 – Follow A Classroom Theme



Having a classroom theme can spark creativity in your preschool. All children are keen on a cartoon/superhero theme, which can attract them. From bulleting board to classroom door, pick one theme and spark creativity up. You can consider using a cultural theme that aligns with your subject matter.

Consider using a superhero theme and remind the children about their unique power. You can explain the motif to the children and encourage them to find a balance between them and what they are learning.


Preschool Classroom That Sparks Creativity #6 – Take Your Teaching Outside



Preschool Classroom That Sparks Creativity In 7 Simple Ways


Like hands-on teaching, it can help create a preschool classroom that sparks creativity. Children learn through play or activities. Consider hosting an outdoor classroom and bringing the kids out when there’s nice weather. Knowledge comes from more than just books.

Consider conducting active, exploratory activities that are almost impossible indoors. You can allocate an area and set up an outdoor project such as a vegetable garden or a science center. This idea helps to add a new dimension to the learning environment.


Preschool Classroom That Sparks Creativity #7 – Team Building Exercise


Preschool Classroom That Sparks Creativity In 7 Simple Ways


Team building exercise is another way to create a preschool classroom that sparks creativity. There are many team-building activities you can choose from, and there is no right or wrong answer.

Team building exercise is all about cooperative strategies. It allows children to think, communicate and create things together. Activities such as telling a story one word at a time, getting out of an escape room, and many other activities are all about teamwork and creativity.

Here are some tips to help you establish a preschool classroom that sparks creativity. Why not allow the children to build this skill from a young age and let them bring us a whole new world?




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