Preschool Learning Center: #1 Ultimate Guide To Set Up

by | Jul 11, 2022 | preschool renovation

Besides having some formal lessons and play time for the children in your preschool, having a preschool learning center is equivalently important as children can build other important skills. It can be overwhelming if you don’t know what preschool learning center to set up.

There are many things to take note of when setting up a preschool learning center, and you can create many different types of learning centers. It depends on what you want to provide to the children in the preschool or whether you want to make a difference from your competitors.

If you have a problem setting up your preschool learning center in your classroom, we will discuss some common problems that preschool owners will face. The important part is that the children know where the material is in each learning center and help them engage with the activities to build up the skills they need. Here are some common problems:


Why Is It Important To Set Up Preschool Learning Center?


Preschool Learning CenterImage Credit: Canva


Preschoolers learn things fast at this age. Letting them learn the basic skills they need at a young age is important. During the time in the learning center, it helps the children to grow in their social skills. They will be interacting with their peers during this time constantly.

Besides building up their social skills, children can learn much about themselves during this time. They can practice and explore many important concepts in a safe environment. One big part of learning in the learning center is time management. They will need to know that they will be in the science center today and the science center the next day. They will need to understand that when the times end in the learning center, they will need to figure out that they must continue with the next lesson.

They can also practice self-regulation in the learning center. There will be some friction when children are sharing an area and materials. They will need to learn how to share, communicate with their peers and regulate their own emotions. A preschool learning center is a safe place for them to make mistakes. It is a learning process for making mistakes. They can learn how to do it correctly in a safe environment.


How Long Do The Kids Going To Stay In The Preschool Learning Center?


Preschool Learning CenterImage Credit: Canva


Depending on your preschool schedule, some preschools may give a free choice of center time, while others may have a fixed time. For example, visiting the preschool learning center is the first event in your preschool. You can consider setting a time limit of 60 minutes for them to visit the learning center before you start your lessons.

You can let them stay at the learning center until the time is up or even shorter than that. It is important to let them explore the areasin which they are interested. You may be concerned that some children will only stay at a particular center if you don’t rotate them to another center. If this problem arises, you may want to find out why. Most of the time, it is easier for them to build up their skills in something they are interested in.




What If The Children Stay In One Preschool Learning Center Most Of The Time?


Preschool Learning CenterImage Credit: Canva


You may realize that some children will stay in a particular preschool learning center, but you will rarely see this scenario as most of the time, children are curious about the surrounding. They will want to explore several areas, especially if they notice their friends are doing certain things together.

Sometimes you notice that they will leave a learning center and move to the next one. Then they will move back to the learning center where they were original in. It is expected that they may realize there is more exploring they want to do in that learning center.

If you realize that the child is staying away from a particular learning center, you will want to encourage the child to enter the learning center and let him know there are things for them to explore. But remember, you need to encourage them instead of putting pressure on them. The more you pressure them, the more they don’t want to enter the area.


How To Set Up An Inviting Preschool Learning Center?


Preschool Learning CenterImage Credit: Canva


Setting up a preschool learning center lets the children engage in the activities and help them build up all the necessary skills they need in the future. So, it is important to set up an inviting learning center to get the attention of the preschoolers.

Every child has an interest. It can be hard to find time to observe what they are really interested in. You will want to create an atmosphere where all the materials have a home. It can be a challenge as children at this young age are still trying to figure things out.

You can notice how they use the materials when you supervise them. They can get frustrated sometimes and dump the material everywhere. You will want to make adjustments accordingly and show them the proper use of the material. If you realize they are not ready for it, you will want to replace the material with something simpler.


How To Teach The Children To Keep The Preschool Learning Center Clean?


Preschool Learning CenterImage Credit: Canva


Preschoolers normally don’t get the idea of putting the materials back to where they belong. It can be a problem when teaching them to keep the preschool learning center clean. You will need to show them how to put the material back in place and take good care of it.

You can’t expect the preschoolers to keep each learning center clean when they are finished, but you can keep the action simple—putting the puzzle pieces back into a tray or picking up the spill under the sensory table. Let the preschoolers learn some basic skills of cleaning up. This small action will be more straightforward for you to clean up when the preschoolers are finished with the learning center.

Here are some common problems you face when setting up a preschool learning center. You can have an idea of how to deal with it. The children need to learn in a safe environment and build their basic skills. Let the children know what they are interested in and learn what they can and can’t do in a learning center.




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