12 Kindergarten Classroom Must-Haves For Children

by | Jan 26, 2022 | Kindergarten Design

What items do we need to have in the kindergarten classroom? Apart from the blackboards, tables, chairs, etc., that we know, what else is helpful and needs to be prepared for the growth of young children?

For example, some kindergartens focus on outdoor activities so they may prepare more tools for outdoor activities, and some focus on artistic development, so they may also prepare small musical instruments for children.


Kindergarten Classroom Image Credit: Kiddi Kollege


Are there any items that kindergartens can provide to children to get enough care and support at a young age? In the following topic, we will introduce some basic supplies that we think kindergartens can provide to kindergarten classrooms.



1. Cleaning Supplies For Kindergarten Classroom


Kindergarten ClassroomImage Credit: Canva


Coronavirus is currently spreading worldwide, and it is difficult to predict when the outbreak will end. For the safety of children, teachers should prepare enough disinfection supplies such as hand sanitisers and masks to be placed in the kindergarten classroom. It is also important to disinfect and measure the temperature of children before they enter the classroom to ensure the safety of each child. This will also help children develop good hygiene habits and learn to keep themselves clean.



2. Age-appropriate Toys


Kindergarten ClassroomImage Credit: Canva


Children are curious about different things, and having toys in the kindergarten classroom can help young children feel relaxed and not feel bored with kindergarten lessons. Thus, teachers can choose age-appropriate toys, such as simple puzzles, blocks, and dress-up dolls, which are suitable for children to play together to promote their intellectual development and learn to get along with other children.


3. Art Tools


Kindergarten Classroom Image Credit: Artful Parent


To make teaching more interesting, when teachers teach kindergarten students some new knowledge, they occasionally need to raise students’ interest in learning through art activities. Some kindergartens also offer art classes to learn art through drawing, so art tools such as coloured pens, scissors, coloured paper, stapler, tape and tape dispensers, masking tape, pencil sharpener and so on are often used tools that need to be prepared.



4. Sports Equipment


Kindergarten Classroom Image Credit: World At Home


Kindergarten classrooms can be equipped with child-friendly sports equipment, such as jump ropes, hula hoops, balls, etc., to keep children healthy and allow children to exercise during break times which can make children more energetic. In addition, many studies have shown that simple exercises can help children focus more during class.





5. First Aid Kit For Kindergarten Classrooms


Kindergarten Classroom Image Credit: Kiddy 123


Children will occasionally be unwell or even sick, so preparing a first aid kit as a backup is necessary. Children are also very playful and sometimes fall and get scraped, so they need to be cleaned and medicated to be protected. Therefore, kindergarten classrooms should always be prepared with a first aid kit, and children should be reminded to pay attention to safety and inform the teacher if they feel unwell.



6. Comfort Items For Children To Rest


Kindergarten Classroom Image Credit: Paper Pinecone


Teachers can prepare small pillows, foldable mattresses, sheets, etc., in the kindergarten classroom for children to rest when needed. Most children are more likely to feel tired during morning classes. Therefore, a short nap can help children combat fatigue, improve memory, and not consume too much of energy.



7. Stationery


Kindergarten ClassroomImage Credit: Canva


Stationery is often needed for learning in the classroom, and teachers need to check if there is enough stationery available for children and teachers to use. Common stationery includes pens, rulers, erasers, blackboard sassafras, markers, colouring pens, etc.



8. Books


Kindergarten Classroom Image Credit: Artful Parent


According to research, there are many benefits to reading at a young age. Kindergartens should foster reading habits and stimulate interest in reading in young children. Thus, reading materials suitable for young children can be placed in kindergarten classrooms so that they can read in their free time and promote their language and intellectual development.

Teachers can choose knowledge-based picture books and storybooks with creativity and imagination for children to read. These simple but rich reading materials can attract children to keep reading.





9. Prepare A Few Pieces Of Clothes


Kindergarten Classroom Image Credit: Pymnts


Sometimes children get dirty while eating or playing games, so teachers should prepare some clothes for children to wear when they need and do not have to wear dirty clothes all day, which might affect their emotions during the class.



10. Rewards


Kindergarten Classroom Image Credit: Tip Top Brain


Children naturally love rewards and praise, so when they do something praiseworthy, apart from verbal praise, kindergarten teachers can also prepare small gifts for children to motivate them to continue their good performance next time. For example, teachers can prepare cute stickers or snacks to reward children and encourage them.



11. Classroom Rules And Duty Rosters


Kindergarten ClassroomImage Credit: earlychildhoodhome


To avoid mistakes and foster discipline, teachers can post classroom rules that must be followed on a bulletin board. This way, teachers do not have to remind children all the time, and children are more likely to remember and monitor each other, which reduce the chances of making more mistakes. Some kindergartens also have a duty roster for children to clean in order to teach them how to keep their classrooms clean and tidy.



12. Small Indoor Plants


Kindergarten Classroom Image Credit: blog.reallygoodstuff


Teachers can put some small indoor plants like chrysanthemums, ivy in the kindergarten classroom and ask the children to take care of them. It not only can beautify the classroom environment but also can cultivate the children’s patience and observation. Also, it should be aware that do not choose plants with hard, thorny, and poisonous surfaces.






Kindergartens should do their best to provide for the needs of the children and support their learning and growth to help the children develop better character and personalities.

Despite the recommended items mentioned above, teachers can also adjust the needs of the children and consider placing the needed items in the classroom as long as they meet the needs of the children.

If you haven’t already prepared the items you need for your kindergarten classroom, then take a look at this article for more ideas!




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