6 Exclusive Tips On Preschool Bathroom Renovation

by | Mar 14, 2022 | Childcare Renovation, preschool renovation

Interior design will be the first thing people pay attention to when renovating. But for a preschool, you will have to pay attention to the child’s safety. How many people will pay attention to the safety in the preschool bathroom, no matter if you are rebuilding or renovating? Most of the time, kids don’t know which is dangerous or not. They will be running all over the place, including in the bathroom.

Accidents may happen anywhere, which is why you will have to pay attention to the details. You wouldn’t want anything to happen. Safety always comes first, so it is better to take precautions before accidents happen. There are very few ideas when it comes to renovating a kids-friendly bathroom. So here are some tips you don’t want to miss.


Ideas For Renovating A Preschool Bathroom 1: Faucets & Shower Trim With Red And Blue Color


Preschool BathroomImage Credit: Canva


Sometimes kids will wander around without your supervision, especially if it is a place where they are familiar. It may seem unnecessary, but considering that the kids wouldn’t know the difference between the hot water and the cold. If they go to the preschool bathroom without any supervision, they may burn themself with the hot water.

The red and blue color on the faucets & shower trim will help indicate which is for hot water and cold water. You will be able to show the kids and let them become familiar with it. Color cues are always better than writing on a label. Not all kids in preschool know how to read or understand it. It is easier to learn and remember colors indication.


Ideas For Renovating A Preschool Bathroom 2: Tiled Or Paneled Wood Wainscoting


Preschool BathroomImage Credit: Canva


So this point will be more specific for boys. Sometimes boys can make a terrible mess in the bathroom, which you can’t imagine. If you grew up with a brother or are married and have a son, you will know the terrible mess they make, so don’t expect too much from a kid still in preschool.

Don’t think that the toilet would be a substantial target. It would never be a substantial target. There will be pee on the toilet seat or inside the lid, pee at the back of the toilet. You may find pee on the floor or the wall. Pee on places where you can’t imagine, and you have a tough time cleaning the bathroom. It is especially hurtful when it comes to peeing on the wall.

Usually, the wall doesn’t have anything to cover it. There will only be paint and wallpaper to protect it. You will want to consider incorporating a tile or wood-paneled wainscoting when designing the bathroom. This will make you less worrisome. This wipeable surface will be easier to clean.




Ideas For Renovating A Preschool Bathroom 3: Integrated Sinks


Preschool BathroomImage Credit: Canva


So what is an integrated sink? An integrated sink is a sink that is a continuous part of the countertop. Integrated sinks can be made from many different materials, such as natural stone, concrete, solid surface, engineered stone, etc. If you want to match your preschool bathroom design, they can be custom designed and fabricated or ‘off the shelf.

So why should you choose an integrated sink? One significant benefit is that integrated sinks reduce the number of seams, attachment points, and crevices. All these parts can collect yucky stuff. Keep your preschool bathroom easier to clean by using integrated sinks.


Ideas For Renovating A Preschool Bathroom 4: Install One-Piece Toilet For Preschool Bathroom


Preschool BathroomImage Credit: Canva


When it comes to preschool bathrooms, most people will not think much about selecting the toilet piece for kids. But since it is a preschool bathroom, it is recommended to suit the kid as much as possible. It is recommended to install a one-piece toilet rather than a two-piece toilet when it comes to toilet pieces.

A two-piece toilet is the base and tank are separated, and it is assembled on the site. A one-piece toilet will typically be a little more expensive. Compared to the two-piece toilet, one-piece will be easier to clean. They do not have a gap between the tank and the base. It is a continuous surface that curves upwards. Sometimes boys pee everywhere, so you will want fewer spaces to collect and hide it.




Ideas For Renovating A Preschool Bathroom 5: Install Bath Towel Hooks In Preschool Bathroom


Preschool BathroomImage Credit: Canva


If you plan to have a space for kids to bathe, you will want to consider this point. Using towel or robe hooks instead of linear bars to hang bath towels is a trend. Hanging a wet towel that’s folded in thirds and draped over a metal bar may not be the most sanitary solution. The towel never really gets thoroughly dried most of the time, and it promotes mildew.

While using a hook to hang your towels may look more casual and modern, kids will be able to hang their towels better than asking them to hang them on the bar when it comes to a preschool bathroom. Sometimes it will be harder for them to fold and hang them onto the bar.


Ideas For Renovating A Preschool Bathroom 6: Lighting


Preschool BathroomImage Credit: Canva


The bathroom lighting is also an important point to consider. Good lighting is essential. The correct lighting helps to provide a feeling of security and well-being. This is very important to the child as it helps strengthen children’s self-esteem in such a significant period in forming their personalities.

There are two types of lighting to consider. One is natural lighting which can make the window area at least 1/8 of the total floor area. It can be applied to the natural ventilation of the environment. Another type is artificial lighting. You can use bulbs that are cold and intense. One benefit of artificial lighting is that it can ensure the lighting and comfort will be at the same level at any time of the day. Another critical point to consider while renovating your preschool bathroom is to include enough lightbulbs to light every stall.

The preschool bathroom is as important as anywhere else. We hope that the tips will give you a clear idea of how to renovate your preschool bathroom. Safety is always important.



Childcare Renovation


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